Libris Britannia 4
science library(b).zip
science library(b)
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Assembly Source File
146 lines
; by: e. w. schwittek (last revised 6/6/84)
page ,132
aport equ [0201h] ;game port
sample_delay equ 60
line_delay equ 15421
data segment
fullbyte db 0 ;sample collection byte
count_0 db 0 ;causes alternate pix mem selection
count_4 db 4 ;4 samples of 2 bits each make fullbyte
count_80 db 80 ;80 bytes per picture line
count_200 db 200 ;200 lines per picture
sampl_delay_ctr dw 0 ;set to sample_delay value after dec to 0
line_delay_ctr dw 0 ;set to line_delay value after dec to 0
equalizer_delay dw 1 ;value equalizes sample rate
data ends
destination segment at 0b800h ;begins seg at b800h
pixlow db 8000 dup(0) ;8000 bytes set to 0
org 2000h ;begins pixhigh (high half of graghics
; memory) at b800:2000
pixhigh db 8000 dup(0) ;8000 bytes set to 0
destination ends
code segment
start proc far
assume ds:data,es:destination,cs:code
;save bp,es,ss and ds for return to basic program
push bp ;save bp
mov bp,sp ; get current stack position into bp
push es
push ss
push ds
;this proc gets value of "a" fm basic program
mov si,[bp]+6 ;get addr of para a into si
mov ax,[si] ;get value of para a
mov si,ax ; put para a into si for storage
;establish addressability for data segment
mov ax,cs
add ax,si
add ax,14
mov ds,ax
;establish addressability for destination segment
mov ax,destination ;get es base addr
mov es,ax ;give es base addr
;initializes registers
sub ax,ax
sub di,di
mov bx,0000h
;sync start routine
mov cx,255
sync_start: mov dx,aport
in al,dx ;put aport into al
cmp al,64 ;carry flag at 0 if al=>64
jae sync_start ;jump on cf=0
loop sync_start
;sample port and store two bits in fullbyte
begin: mov dx,aport
in al,dx ;put aport into al
rcl al,1 ;put bit 7 of aport in carry flag
rcl fullbyte,1 ;put carry flag in bit 0 of fullbyte
rcl al,1 ;put bit 6 of aport in carry flag
rcl fullbyte,1 ;put carry flag in bit 0 of fullbyte
; and move bit 0 to position 1
;cause delay for proper sample rate
mov ax,sample_delay
mov sampl_delay_ctr,ax ;set-reset sampl delay ctr
sample: dec sampl_delay_ctr
jnz sample
;fill fullbyte with 8 bits
dec count_4
jnz equalizer
mov count_4,4 ;reset counter
jmp make_line
;equalize delay between first three samples and forth sample
equalizer: dec equalizer_delay
jnz equalizer
mov equalizer_delay,1 ;reset counter
jmp begin ;get another 2 bit sample
;establish fullbyte at proper graphics memory position
make_line: mov al,fullbyte
mov es:[bx+di],al ;fullbyte to pixlow + di
inc di ;next fullbyte one position right
dec count_80 ;completes 80-byte line
mov fullbyte,0 ;reset fullbyte to 0
jnz begin
mov count_80,80 ;reset counter
;determine which graphics range we were in, pixlow or pixhigh
sub count_0,0
jnz count_is_one
count_is_zero: mov bx,02000h ;changes graphics mem range
inc count_0 ;sets count for next pass
sub di,80 ;sets di to beginning of next line
jmp joint
count_is_one: mov bx,0000h ;change graphics mem range
dec count_0 ;sets count_0 for next pass
add di,0 ;sets di to beginning of next line
jmp joint
;make 200 lines
joint: mov ax,line_delay
mov line_delay_ctr,ax ;set-reset line delay ctr
line: dec line_delay_ctr
jnz line
mov line_delay_ctr,ax ;reset line delay ctr
line1: dec line_delay_ctr
jnz line1
mov line_delay_ctr,ax ;reset line delay ctr
line2: dec line_delay_ctr
jnz line2
mov line_delay_ctr,ax ;reset line delay ctr
line3: dec line_delay_ctr
jnz line3
dec count_200 ;counting total picture lines
jz finish
jmp begin
finish: pop ds
pop ss
pop es
mov sp,bp
pop bp ;restore stack
ret 2 ;far return to basic
start endp
code ends